NOAHIC COVENANT -Genesis 9:1-17
1. Man to repopulate the earth (v. 1-7) All but 8 destroyed by flood.
After the Flood, the earth was essentially empty again. Only eight people remained to re-populate the earth. Just as with the Edenic Covenant, man was again commissioned to repopulate the earth, but the command to subdue the earth is not repeated. With man’s fall, he lost his authority and Satan usurped it. Thus Satan is the prince of the world (Jn 12:31) and the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4). Satan has authority over all kingdoms of this world and can offer them to whomsoever he will (Luke 4:6) He made that offer to Jesus, who turned it down. The Antichrist will accept it (Rev. 13:1-3) |
2. Fear of man put into animals, man lost authority, but to still dominate.
3. Man's diet to consist of animals and vegetables-no limitations were given yet. 4. Man forbidden to eat blood as it is a symbol of life. 5. Blood is not to be eaten or drunk. 6. Capital punishment was instituted. 7. Promise that mankind would never be destroyed by a flood again. 8. Token of the covenant was a rainbow (v. 12-17) __________________________________ Became basis for Dispensation of Human Government Unconditional-this covenant is STILL IN EFFECT. (Sometimes referred to as the everlasting covenant). According to Isaiah 24:5-6 the judgment of the tribulation comes because humanity has violated the everlasting covenant To see more notes go to: |